Monday, March 26, 2012
What is
oDesk offers the world’s largest, most comprehensive and fastest-growing online workplace.
Businesses are no longer limited to local talent or traditional hiring cycles. With a thriving online workforce available on-demand, you can post a job for free, field applications in hours and rapidly hire the best person for the job, regardless of where in the world they happen to be.
If you are looking for work, you are now untethered by geography. Find work and get the job done from anywhere. All you need is your talent, a computer and an Internet connection.
oDesk doesn’t just connect businesses and independent professionals. Our patent-pending technology gives you a virtual workspace, offering real-time visibility into work as it happens. Payment is quick and hassle-free.
Odesk have been my reliable job site for quite some time. I've been with lots of different employers, most of them were great and a few were not so great. Being a freelancer taught me to adjust and work with different types of bosses. It made me a wiser and a clever applicant. And most importantly, it prepared me to actually land a great full time job.
If you think you are already prepared and is interested to work full time, odesk is not the job site to go to since most employers there are only looking for part timers. I know an alternative job site that only accepts full time staff, I just thought I'd share it with you. Click here.
You just might not know it, but it may be the reason that you'll be able to land the job you've been dying to have. Your big break.
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