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Freelance Jobs


Computer and Web developing Jobs
Freelance Jobs

1-.NET Jobs
Do you have a bug in a .NET application, or need it modified in some way? Perhaps you need a completely new .NET application created, or you simply need a website to become interactive. Whatever your need, an experienced software developer is your best option. By outsourcing to one or more of our experts, you can save money and get the results you need...

2- C Programming Jobs
C is a stable programming language that is general-purpose and originally developed by Bell Labs for use with Unix. It is one of the most popular programming languages in the world and widely used for developing portable applications. If you need help developing in or working with C language then let freelancers help you. Freelancers with skills in C programming are available on this site. Start by posting your C programming task today!

3- C# Programming Jobs
C# is a well-known programming language from Microsoft Corp. built within the .NET initiative. There are many commercial projects these days that are built with the C# programming environment. Your business might be developing software using C#, in which case it would do well to hire expert freelancer help for coding in C#. An expert C# freelance programmer can help your business quite skillfully and cost-effectively. So post a C# project or job today and start collecting bids!

4- C++ Programming Jobs
C++ is a general purpose programming language that is compiled. It has both high level and low level features and was developed in Bell Labs as an enhancement to the C programming language. If you need help developing with or working with the C++ programming language, you can take the help of C++ freelancers on this site. Start connecting with them by posting your job today!

5- Drupal Jobs
Drupal is a free and open source CMS (content management system) written in PHP. It is used as a backend for different types of websites ranging from small blogs to large corporate websites. If you are looking for a CMS to expand your business online, you will need help implementing the Drupal software. You can hire freelance expert help specializing in Drupal in this site. Simply post your Drupal job today!

6- eCommerce Jobs
eCommerce refers to Electronic commerce. It refers to the buying and selling of products and services through electronic systems such as computer networks and the internet. The term is popularly used to denote shopping carts on the internet. If your business needs help with its eCommerce efforts (e-tailing on the web) then you can take the help of freelance eCommerce professionals. Start connecting with these professionals by posting an eCommerce job today.

7- Facebook Jobs
Facebook is a social networking website in which users can add friends and send messages and post status updates. Users can also join networks organized by commonality of knowledge and interests. If you need help with Facebook, or your business needs help obtaining or expanding a Facebook presence (Facebook fan pages) then you can take the help of freelancers for the same. Start by posting your Facebook-related job today.
Freelance Jobs
8- HTML Jobs
HTML is a standard for web pages. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is used widely by web designers and developers for developing and maintaining websites. If you need help working with HTML then you can reach out to freelancers for the same. You can find such freelancers right here. Simply post a HTML job today!

9- Java Jobs
Java is a programming language developed by Sun Microsystems (now a part of Oracle Corp.). The language was influenced by the syntax in C and C++ but has a much simpler object model. Applications developed in Java can run on different platforms with little or no modifications. If you need help developing for or working with Java environment then you can take the help of freelancers who are Java specialists, for the same. Start by posting your Java job today.

10- Joomla Jobs
Joomla is an open source content management system (CMS) for publishing content on the internet as well as on intranets. It is written with PHP language and uses MySQL for data storage. It also supports many features like RSS feeds, blogs, polls, etc., through extensions and modules. If you need help working with Joomla then you can take the help of talented Joomla freelancers for your tasks. Connect with freelancers by posting your Joomla job today.

11- jQuery / Prototype Jobs
jQuery / Prototype are specialized Javascript frameworks for building dynamic web applications. These are cross-browser libraries written in Javascript emphasizing interaction between HTML and JavaScript. If you are looking for web development help using the jQuery / Prototype libraries, then you have reached the right place. You can find talented freelancers here who have the capability and experience working with these libraries. Simply post a job today and get started!

12- Link Building Jobs
Link building is the process of obtaining backlinks to your website from other websites on the internet. It is theoretically said to improve search engine rankings of your website. If you need help with link building then you have reached the right place. Connect with link building experts and freelancers right here on this site. Start by posting your link building task today.

13- MySQL Jobs
MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that provides access to databases to different users via a network or a standalone computer. MySQL serves as a stable cross-platform backend database for many open source software projects. MySQL is also used by other popular software like Drupal, Wordpress, PhpBB, etc. Your business may be using MySQL databases also, so it might need help from MySQL experts and administrators. You can hire MySQL experts from this site simply by posting a MySQL job today.

14- Paypal API Jobs
For any website accepting payments online, surely the developers would have considered adding Paypal as an option. For accepting payments via Paypal for your goods and services online, you need technical knowledge about the Paypal API. You may not have in-house talent for dealing with Paypal API. That is where help in the form of expert freelancers comes in. Paypal API freelancers are available to help your business accept and deal with online payments for your goods and services. Simply post your freelance Paypal API task today to start getting bids!

15- Objective C Jobs
Objective C refers to an object oriented programming language that adds Smalltalk style to the C programming language. It is now used mainly on the iPhone OS and Apple’s Mac OS X. Objective C is also the primary language for Apple’s Cocoa API. By hiring Objective C programming expertise, your business can benefit technology and cost-wise. So, just post a job here and get an expert to do the work for you.

16- PHP Jobs
PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It is a widely used scripting language designed for web development and is used in producing dynamic web pages. If you are developing PHP based web applications then you might need help with the same. You can outsource whole or part of the PHP web development tasks to freelancers who have skills in PHP. Start by posting a PHP job today!

17- Python Jobs
Python is an interpreted, object-oriented and extensible programming language. Python can run on many different operating systems. If you are developing software using Python programming language, then you can definitely use some help. A freelancer well versed in Python can handle your workload quite easily. To hire freelance programming help for Python post a job today!

18- SEO Jobs
SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a process of improving the traffic to a web site using natural or organic techniques. Such techniques aim to place a web site higher in the search results listings, thus with a higher probability of attracting visitors. If you are looking for SEO help, then many talented freelancers are available who can help you with SEO tasks. You can connect with such freelancers on this site. Start by posting your SEO job or task today.
19- Shopping Carts Jobs
A shopping cart is an online metaphor for a shopping basket used in supermarkets. Online shoppers add and delete items from a shopping cart and when they are ready to checkout, they pay and take delivery of the goods or services. If your business is implementing online shopping carts and needs help for the same then you can take the help of freelance shopping cart experts. Talented and experienced freelancers are available for taking up shopping cart tasks. Post a job today.

20- Social Networking Jobs
Social networking is a process of connectivity between individuals (or organizations) based on various factors like common likes and dislikes, friendship, financial exchange, sexual relations, beliefs, or knowledge. Social networking has been popularized these days with the arrival of websites like Facebook, Twitter and Myspace. If your business needs help with social networking then you can take the help of freelancers. Start by posting your social networking job today!

21- Software Architecture Jobs
The software architecture of a program or computing system refers to the software components and relationships of the system. It also refers to documenting the architecture of a software system. The software architecture documents the high level design and aids in communication among high-level stakeholders of a software project. You can find expert software architecture help from freelancers specializing in the area. To get such help, simply post your job today!

22- Twitter Jobs
Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service that allows its users to send and receive short messages called tweets. These tweets are limited to 140 characters and are only text-based. Twitter is basically a free service and it allows tweets to be sent via SMS also. Many businesses are using Twitter as a platform for connecting with their customers. If your business has jumped on the Twitter bandwagon, then you can find suitable help in the form of Twitter expert freelancers right here by just posting a job.

23- User Interface / IA Jobs
User Interface / Information Architecture refers to the concept of designing how a user interacts with a given software application or system. Designers and developers are usually engaged in conceptualizing the user interface before finalizing the same with the customer or the client. You or your business can use some freelancer help in the area of user interface and information architecture, Post your job today to find such freelance help!

24- Visual Basic Jobs
Visual Basic is an event-driven programming language from Microsoft. It also contains an integrated development environment for developing GUI applications. It is popular among .NET programming enthusiasts in the form of VB.NET. If you need help developing in or working with Visual Basic, then you have reached the right place. You can connect with freelancers who have expertise in Visual Basic. Start by posting your Visual Basic job today.

25- Web Scraping Jobs
Web Scraping is also known as web data extraction. It is a software technique of extracting information from websites automatically. Web content is ‘scraped’ or read by bot programs and stored in a structured format in order for it to be analyzed later using software algorithms or human intervention. For example, price comparison websites may obtain their pricing data by ‘scraping’ the online retailer websites. If your business needs help with web scraping, you have come to the right place. Simply post a job today to hire web scraping talent!

26- Wordpress Jobs
Wordpress is a blogging platform that allows you to manage and edit your blog. It has its own in built content management system which makes it easy to manage your site. In order to customize your blog you need unique themes and plug ins to make the blog your own. Experienced freelance wordpress developers can assist you in creating and implementing themes and plug ins to make your blog professional and successful. Wordpress experts can also help you write, post and maximize exposure of your blog posts in an efficient and cost effective way.

27- XML Jobs
XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. It is a set of specifications for encoding electronic documents. XML standards are produced by the W3C and these are open standards. XML is a textual data format and it is used widely in web services. If you need help working with the XML standards or XML documents, then you can definitely make use of freelancer help for the same. Simply post your XML job today and get started.

28- YouTube Jobs
The creation and embedding of YouTube videos is quickly becoming the best way to promote any business or idea. Whether you need a video created from scratch or from a PowerPoint presentation, an experienced provider can create professional results. These and other videos can also be embedded into your website using specific coding that only professional freelancers will have the knowledge to implement. Harness of the power of YouTube today by posting your project to save time and money with professional results.


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