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Do you want a logo?

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

What Is a Logo?

A logo, or logotype, is the graphic representation of a trademark. It’s set in a particular font and arranged in a particular way. The size, shape, color and typeface should be distinct—especially compared to the logos of competitors.

A good logo has immediate brand recognition. It can communicate trustworthiness and excellence and inspire admiration and loyalty.

Why Do I Need a Logo?

The logo is one of the most important design elements on your website for several reasons. It’s the foundation of your online brand; it will appear in the header of your website, on banners, e-book covers and so on. Secondly, a professional-looking logo gives your website credibility. Thirdly, a remarkable logo lingers in the minds of visitors; they’ll remember your website and feel keen to return.
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